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Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:21 pm
by SAX775
I have been trying to get SAX AI traffic into FSX. My results so far are undetermined. I have taken the SAX AI for FS9 and decompiled the .bgl. I then ran this through AI Flight Planner checking for errors and adjusting a few methods to be more compatible with how AI Flight Planner expects to see traffic. There were some flights that were overlapping within a 24 hour period and that was not allowed in AI Flight Planner, thus these flights were changed to once a week flights. To have made them multiple week flights would have meant building new flightplans for each day of the week that they flew, possible but I was wanting to make sure that I could get SAX Traffic into FSX.

Finally I recompiled in FSX format and placed the bgl in my world scenery and the AI Aircraft in the Simobjects aircraft folders.

The problem is that the SAX AI represents only 327 flight plans so why there is AI traffic in FSX finding it in the midst of Ultimate Traffic already adding to the skies may take some time. It will take some testing to see if these aircraft are in fact showing up in FSX.

Re: SAX AI for FSX

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:47 am
by SAX775
I found out why I was not seeing any SAX traffic in FSX. I use Ultimate Traffic for FSX and it seems that the people over at UT made the decision that UT while labeled for FSX does not include FSX compiled traffic files. Under the rules of traffic FS9 era traffic files are displayed disabling FSX compiled traffic files.

Once again our good third party developers taking short cuts with FSX then pointing a finger at Microsoft for "ruining" things with FSX. If they would just follow the rules in the SDK then these sort of problems would not exist.

So if you FS9 era traffic files in FSX then you need SAX traffic files compiled for FS9, if you have FSX compiled traffic files then you need SAX traffic compiled for the rest of the traffic on your system, or you recompile the traffic on your system to FSX.

I think the best thing I can do is compile the SAX traffic for both FS9 and FSX and people will just have to know what is on their system.

Ultimate Traffic is FS9
MyTraffic is FSX

Freeware Traffic is ? (if you use the FSX SAX traffic (safe mode) and you don't see any SAX traffic then your freeware traffic is in FS9 mode)

Re: SAX AI for FSX

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:28 pm
by SAX775
Both files have been tested and here are the results.

If you have Ultimate Traffic or other freeware traffic that was compiled with the FS9 compiler then you can run the default FS9 SAX AI traffic. All you have to do is install the files to a dummy location. Then move all of the SAX aircraft to your SIMOBJECTS/AIRPLANES/ folder and the Traffic*.BGL file to your SCENERY/WORLD/SCENERY folder.

If you use FSX default traffic, MYTraffic, or other traffic compiled with the FSX traffic compiler then you will need the FSX compatible Traffic file that I have compiled. You will install the traffic in the same way as above except use the .bgl that I compiled as opposed to the one composed by whomever built the original SAX traffic.

My work is a compatibility fix only. I do not know who the original author of the SAX AI traffic was but they still deserve 99% of the credit for making all of these files. They painted the AI aircraft, compiled the original TTools traffic files, and developed the package. I just reverse engineered some of their work and recompiled a FSX compatible version for those who use FSX compatible traffic files.

As of this point you will have to ask me to e-mail you the FSX .BGL if you want it. It is under 1MB total and easy to transfer. Installing it correctly is your responsibility.
